.:deep breathe:. I never blog about my personal life (unless it deals wit my career), but I'm gonna give u guys a piece of me.
So heres da background I've been dealing with this guy for the past 4 months and I feel like we havent made ANY progress since we expressed our feelings to each other in Janurary. On Wednesday I stuck my neck out for LAST time. We had just talked 30 minutes prior and in dat convo I told him I was going to be in his neighborhood so b sure to expect a call from me so dat we could rock out for a lil bit. I call 30 minutes laterno answer. I text no response. So I think Damn why am I always putting myself out there for dis dude and what has he done for me? The answer: Cuz I find his hustle state of mind attractive and NOT A DAMN THING. So what's a girl to do? I kept it moving and chilled with a gentlemen. Though my heart is more attached to da 1st dude it was obvious that his heart wasn't attached to mine. I blog about dis to say LADIES KNOW WHAT YOUR WORTH! If I would have went to boy #1's house dat night I would have made a MAJOR mistake. Dat dude has been a cool friend, but when it comes to taking steps toward being a true companion HE SUCKED! Da most he's ever done 4 me is pay 4 a meal at McDonalds. But gentlemen number 2 he was worth my time! In da past he's made me dinner, rubbed my back, respected my body, and so on. He put in da work, so he's worth my time (at the least). I feel that the only thing more valuable then my time is my body and if a dude puts in the effort he atleast deserves my time.
My advice: "Don't even entertain a dudes presence unless he fits your criteria." What my criteria? Well it depends on da situation, but for the most part it's respect and itellenegce. For example if you first meet me and say "Hello" or "How are you" instead of "YO" or "What poppin" you gain more time, because you have sense to use proper English (intelligence). If you curse around me you lose time because I find it disrespectful. Just know your worth ladies. I am a queen and everyday my stock raises!!!
wow i think i gotta really take that advice